As sell-side business brokers, we're often asked about Timing.
While we could provide a long winded answer, suffice it to say -
There's no perfect time to sell...
There's YOUR time to sell.
That time is when You and the Business are ready.
To that point...
Have you identified life's next step and eagerly await the transition?
Do you have a baseline or current business valuation?
You've heard it repeatedly...Preparation is the cornerstone of a successful sale. Ideally, it starts with a business valuation by a knowledgeable advisor. The assessment offers more than a snapshot of what your business is currently worth. The 360 degree review will likely identify business trends or information gaps as well as pinpoint areas for improvement. Don't overlook or fail to react to these actionable insights. They become the basis for initiatives that over time will increase business value and enhance buyer interest.
Is this the Perfect Time for You to Sell?
Valuations are a core MT Consulting service. Let us assess your business & determine how ready you are. Call us at 610-527-8400.