Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Pays to Think Like a Buyer

Did you know... MT Consulting was founded as a Buy-side broker?  Our first few years were focused on identifying and buying businesses for our clients.

Now, as a Sell-side broker, we leverage that buyer mind-set and insight when guiding business owners through the sales process. 

Truth is - not all businesses that go to market actually sell.  And, that's a sobering thought to current or soon-to-be Sellers banking on sale proceeds to fund a sizable portion of their retirement.

How can Sellers ensure a Payday? 
Think like a Buyer! 
Understand buyer needs, priorities, "deal killer" issues and prepare the business for a sale accordingly.  

Start Here...
>> Know the value of your business.
Call an expert to perform a current valuation.
>> Address internal issues ASAP (especially those impacting
profit or revenue); demonstrate business' money making ability.
>> Engage advisors to effectively package & position the business. 
>> Build trust.
Project realistically.
Be forthcoming & honest to buyer info requests.
Disclose weaknesses upfront.
>> Be prepared.
Organize key business reports in advance to facilitate  quick responses to buyer inquiries.
Identify growth ideas or plans.
>> Overcome "deal killers" with creativity.
Collaborate with advisors to identify work-arounds or compromises to keep your deal moving forward.

With an estimated 4.5 million* firms up for sale within the next 10 years, competition will be intense.  Greater awareness of a buyer's approach today or tomorrow, will reward Seller's with an edge in attracting prospective buyers and negotiating a more lucrative, less time consuming deal.   

* The Exit Planning Institute 

66% of American businesses are owned by Baby Boomers...
who are set to transition their business in the next 5-10 years.*

Is it Time for an updated business valuation?
Or, is it Time to sell?  We can help!  Call us at 610-527-8400.

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